Sight Word Space Station - Key Education

Sight Word Space Station - Key Education - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: KED-044222197049
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 200 HK$ 180
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Key Education - Sight Word Space Station

Teach 48 high-frequency sight words with this concentration-style game that includes color-coded cards for two levels of play. Children practice reading and memory skills by finding sight word pairs. As a fun bonus, an alien space station is revealed as matched cards are removed from the board. It includes a game board, 96 game cards, and directions. Perfect for up to 8 players, it also supports NCTE and NAEYC standards. Key Education products are intended to engage and educate young and special learners, as well as assist teachers in building a strong and developmentally appropriate curriculum for these children. The product line—comprised of teacher/parent resource books, photographic learning cards, and other activity- and game-oriented materials—is designed to assist in Unlocking the Potential in Every Child.     

Key Education products are intended to engage and educate young and special learners, as well as assist teachers in building a strong and developmentally appropriate curriculum for these children. The product line—comprised of teacher/parent resource books, photographic learning cards, and other activity- and game-oriented materials—is designed to assist in Unlocking the Potential in Every Child.     


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