Let's Cook - Parragon

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型 號: PRG-9781407504827
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HK$ 129 HK$ 65
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Parragon - Let's Cook

This colourful cook book is filled with lots of mouth-watering, easy-to-follow recipes that are perfect for every young cook.

Children will love making yummy foods such as fruits smoothies and pizzas, and tasty treats such as chocolate crispie cakes and delicious trifle to make too.

  • Over eighteen mouth-watering recipes
  • Step-by-step photographs
  • Wipe-clean pages
作者 Pamela Gwyther
出版社 Parragon
ISBN 9781407504827
種類 硬皮 / 紙內容
頁數 48 pages
尺碼 236 x 290mm

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