Six Little Ducks (Read and Sing Along) - Twin Sisters

Six Little Ducks (Read and Sing Along) - Twin Sisters - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: TWS-9781599225043
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 50 HK$ 45
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Twin Sisters Six Little Ducks (Read and Sing Along)

Quack! Quack! Wibble-wobble! Wibble-wobble! Follow the six little ducks as they venture out on their own without the watchful eye of their mother! The classic children s song is now a favorite story. 

The story follows the song word-for-word so young readers can sing along with each page on their own. Then laugh, play and learn with 11 more fun songs!

出版社 Twin Sisters Productions
ISBN 9781599225043
插圖者 Patrick Girouard
種類 紙皮 / 紙內容 + CD
頁數 16 pages
尺碼 201 x 203 mm

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顧客評分: 差評           好評

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