天然幼兒超軟毛牙刷 - 粉紅色 - Fuchs

-26% 天然幼兒超軟毛牙刷 - 粉紅色 - Fuchs - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: FCH-079565009070P
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 38 HK$ 28
您節省了: 26% (-HK$ 10)
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Fuchs - Junior Natur (Toothbrush)

Getting a good start on proper dental hygiene is vital to ensure clean, healthy teeth as an adult. Fuchs is dedicated to meeting the special toothbrush needs of children. Of primary importance is an easy-to-grip, firm handle that will not slip out of a child’s grasp. The Fuchs Junior series of toothbrushes has been specially designed to meet this need; it features a special handle grip tailored to small hands. In addition, the brush has a compact bristle field (choose nylon or natural bristles) that ensures thorough cleaning action, even in hard-to-reach areas of the child’s mouth. Start your child off on the road to good dental health with a Fuchs Junior toothbrush.

Fuchs Toothbrushes represent the state of the art in toothbrush design. Fuchs comes from one of the world’s leading toothbrush companies domiciled in Europe. The line goes far beyond standard nylon toothbrushes to include natural bristle toothbrushes, unique head and handle shapes for optimal dental hygiene, and the patented EkoTec replaceable head toothbrush system. Fuchs represents the future of dental hygiene with a brush to fit every need.

Natural Bristles

Natural Bristle brushes actually come from a special breed of boar raised solely for its bristles. The bristles are carefully harvested using a process similar to the methods employed in shearing sheep. The boar are extremely well cared-for; their bristles are harvested repeatedly during their long lifetimes.

Made in Germany


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