表達感受感官瓶 ( 快樂、憤怒、害怕和悲傷) - Hand2Mind

表達感受感官瓶 ( 快樂、憤怒、害怕和悲傷) - Hand2Mind - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

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型 號: H2M-848850117550
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 273 HK$ 245
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Hand2Mind - Express Your Feelings™ Sensory Bottles - Happy, Angry, Scared and Sad

Introducing our all-new sensory bottles

Provide children with quiet, self-directed, tangible ways to identify how they’re feeling, release the energy those feelings create, and calm down. Each bottle features a unique emotion, color, and interactive element that ties to 1 of 4 emotions—happy, angry, scared, and sad.


  • Each bottle mimics a unique emotion, color, and interactive element.
  • 4, easy-to-grip, securely sealed bottles help children learn to use facial and body clues to identify their emotions—happy, angry, scared, or sad.
  • Activity Guide is designed to encourage discussion/conversation about responding to emotions in positive, proactive ways.

What’s Included:

  • 4 unique Sensory Bottles (Happy, Angry, Scared and Sad)


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