迪士尼《冰雪奇緣2》 - Maxi 拼圖 - A World Full of Magic (24 片) - Trefl

-10% Out Of Stock 迪士尼《冰雪奇緣2》 - Maxi 拼圖 - A World Full of Magic (24 片) - Trefl - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: TFL-5900511143454
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 99 HK$ 89
您節省了: 10% (-HK$ 10)
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Trefl - Maxi 24 Puzzle

  • Puzzle with 24 very large pieces, ideal for younger children, will allow you to create a picture with dimensions of 600 x 400 mm
  • The puzzle presents the merry inhabitants of the aquatic world
  • The pieces of the puzzle are made of high-quality environmentally friendly materials
  • Composing puzzles calms the child down, trains concentration, teaches patience and perceptiveness, builds self-confidence
  • A great memory training, development of manual and math skills, and a unique gift for children over 3 years of age


來源地 波蘭
生產地 波蘭

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