4合1 New Miracle - 四季型多功能腰櫈嬰兒背帶 - 藍色 (防水外層) - I-Angel

新貨 -15% 2 - 4 天內發貨 4合1 New Miracle - 四季型多功能腰櫈嬰兒背帶 - 藍色 (防水外層) - I-Angel - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: IAG-8809144981396
有庫存 交貨狀況:2-4天內
HK$ 1,998 HK$ 1,699
您節省了: 15% (-HK$ 299)


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購買數量: 加入購物車

I-Angel - 4-in-1 New Miracle HipSeat Baby Carrier


  • 採用 100% 棉料增添了柔軟舒適感
  • 選用 100% 韓國產棉料
  • 100% 韓國製造
  • 0% 不含添加劑,合成成份及螢光增白劑
  • 安全睡帽保護嬰兒免受陽光、雨水等侵害
  • 有機棉製口水肩,BB 可以安心啜咬
  • 可拆式四季罩:冬天可保暖,夏天可拆下
  • 內層為網氣物料,舒適清涼
  • 可調教肩帶長度
  • 腿部保護墊助防止擦傷寶寶腿部,保護其柔軟肌膚
  • 拉鏈及魔術貼雙重保障,確保孭帶安全可靠
  • HipSeat 腰帶位附有腰包,方便放置手機及銀包等小物件
  • 選用全球首位最高安全的 YKK 拉鏈
  • 韓國製造


  • Your baby can be seated facing in or outward
  • Hipseat carrier can be worn on either the front or back
  • Stand-alone hipseat can be worn in center, left, or right position with one arm supporting
  • Support your baby with both your arms across the hipseat for nursing

The product reduces weight load placed on the spine and pelvis of users, allowing users to lift and put down their baby with ease.
All family members including mother and father can use the carrier and actively participate in baby care.
Internal foam is the core of hipseat carriers specially made using EPP material, harmless for human body, in cooperation with an excellent domestic material supplier exclusive for I-Angel. The carrier can be used in diverse positions including hugging from side, hugging from front, carrying on the back, and looking ahead.


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