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Belly Armor - Belly Band Embrace
Designed for expecting mothers who prefer a snug fit, this innovative belly band blends long-lasting comfort with the reliable protection of RadiaShield® fabric. A highly conductive silver textile, RadiaShield® offers 99.9 percent shielding effectiveness from everyday radiation. This maternity must-have offers support, protection and increased coverage during pregnancy.
Radiation is simply energy traveling through space or materials, sometimes referred to as EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Radiation exists naturally, though we are exposed to much higher levels from man-made sources. There are two basic types of radiation:
Non-ionizing radiation (“everyday radiation”)
Lower energy radiation that we are exposed to in our everyday lives. Non-ionizing radiation includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, and ultraviolet. It surrounds us in everyday life from various sources including cell phones, PDAs, laptops / computers, mp3 players / portable media devices, televisions, and power lines, to name a few. Radio waves and microwaves are frequently referred to as RF (radio frequency) and EMF (electromagnetic fields).
Ionizing radiation
High-energy radiation includes x-rays and gamma rays. This type of radiation is commonly known to be very dangerous even in small doses, but, luckily, is less prevalent in everyday life. Belly Armor products do not shield against this type of radiation.
What are the health risks during pregnancy?
Today, the evidence remains mixed. Radiation has long been cited as a health risk to young children and developing fetuses, but scientific experts still debate the nature and extent of that risk. Because the dangers caused by radiation can take years to show their effects in young children, the risks during pregnancy from radiation are difficult to pinpoint and represent increased probabilities of health impacts developing over time.
However, many health experts and governments recommend applying the “precautionary principle” towards these risks until we know more. Parallels have been drawn to other toxins such as tobacco and asbestos, which took decades for policy and awareness to catch up with emerging scientific evidence. Most scientists agree that more studies must take place with large populations over extended periods of time, but funding for such studies has been limited.
Risk Assessments
What we do know, is that radiation at the levels emitted by cell phones and wi-fi DOES have a biological impact. Numerous studies have shown that it impacts the way cells grow, DNA replicates, and brain cells function. Because of this, health experts believe early childhood and pregnancy – when rapid and complex cell development occurs – are the times of highest risk. See below for the potential health impacts being discussed.