Cocoonababy 人體工學睡窩 (連床罩) Fleur de coton 棉 (泡泡) - Red Castle

-10% Out Of Stock Cocoonababy 人體工學睡窩 (連床罩) Fleur de coton 棉 (泡泡) - Red Castle - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: RCS-3660950074987
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 1,699 HK$ 1,529
您節省了: 10% (-HK$ 170)
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Red Castle - Cocoonababy 人體工學睡窩 (連床罩) Fleur de coton®

Cocoonababy is an ergonomic cocoon designed for use in the cot during baby's first months as it reassures babies and help them adapt smoothly to life after birth!

Respecting the medical recommendation to sleep babies on their back, the elongated semi-fetal position in the Cocoonababy® Nest allows babies to feel safe and content

Sleeping babies in this position present many advantages, including:

  • Improving the quality and length of time of your baby's sleep and contentment
  • Minimizing the risk of flat head syndrome
  • Limit gastric reflux
  • Reducing involuntary jerky movements which wake babies with a start and make them cry

The Cocoonababy® Nest includes:

  • An adjustable wedge which can be moved down the nest as your baby grows
  • Fleur de Coton® machine washable fitted sheet
  • Waterproof sheet (machine washable)
  • Conforms to bedding safety regulations

Safety First: Cocoonababy is suitable for babies from 2.8kgs and until the child starts trying to roll over or change position in the nest (3 months old). For use in a cot (making sure the base is in the lowest position and that the depth above the cot mattress is superior to 50cm or on the ground, on carpet, or in a playpen. Do not use this product in a Moses basket, a rocking cradle, or in a stroller Carrycot

Made in France


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