MathLink Cubes - Numberblocks - 11-20 Activity Set - Hand2Mind

新貨 MathLink Cubes - Numberblocks - 11-20 Activity Set - Hand2Mind - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: H2M-848850117369
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 340 HK$ 306
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Hand2Mind - MathLink® Cubes Numberblocks® 11-20 Activity Set

Count on these colorful cubes to bring math learning to life

Children see how numbers really work as they build their own Numberblocks from 11 to 20 and master the math skills of counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing through hands-on discovery and play. Numberblocks are the friendly characters from the global hit TV math series.


  • Children use the special-edition Numberblocks MathLink® Cubes to build their own characters
  • 30 Numberblocks math learning activities are linked to the TV episodes

NUMBERBLOCKS is a trade mark of Alphablocks Limited, registered in various territories around the world.

What’s Included:

  • 155 Numberblocks MathLink® Cubes
  • 52 Faceplates
  • 44 Stickers
  • 10 Numberlings
  • 10 Character Cards
  • 15 Double-sided, Reusable Activity Cards
  • Fourteen’s Skateboard
  • Fourteen’s Skateboard Helmet
  • Twenty’s Top Hat
  • 1 Write and Wipe Pen
  • 1 Activity Guide



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