Nordic Naturals - 兒童益生菌 Pixies (30包裝) - Nordic Naturals

2 - 4 天內發貨 Nordic Naturals - 兒童益生菌 Pixies (30包裝) - Nordic Naturals - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: NOR-768990016783
有庫存 交貨狀況:2-4天內
HK$ 298 HK$ 269
您節省了: 10% (-HK$ 29)
購買數量: 加入購物車

Nordic Naturals - Kids Probiotic Pixies


Digestive Wellness*

Immune Support*

A fun-to-eat, shelf stable, berry-flavored probiotic powder for digestive, immune and respiratory health.*

  • 3 billion CFU
  • Delicious mixed berry taste, for ages 3+
  • Promotes overall digestive and immune health*
  • Zero Sugar
  • Research supported strains*
  • Award winner! Nexty Award

Great Taste. Zero Sugar.

Clinically-Researched & Kid-Friendly

Kids Probiotic Pixies are a fun way for kids to get a daily boost of probiotics to support their digestion and immunity.* Our probiotic blend is made with clinically-researched strains that are shown to support immune, respiratory, and digestive function.* The kid-friendly probiotic powder melts on the tongue with a great mixed berry taste and comes in ready-to-go, single-serving pixie packets for an easy lunchbox treat.

Mom & Kid-Approved

  • Clinically researched probiotic strains for kids 3+
  • Supports immune, respiratory, and digestive function*
  • Delicious mixed berry powder with zero sugar
  • Single-serving pixie packets are ready-to-go
  • Certified vegan, non-GMO verified, gluten free

來源地 美國
此日期前最佳 2026 年 8 月 31 日

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