School Zone - A Get Ready Book - Counting 1-10 (3-5y) - Hinkler

School Zone - A Get Ready Book - Counting 1-10 (3-5y) - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HIN-9781488941474
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 38 HK$ 34
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School Zone - Counting 1-10- A Get Ready Book

This Counting 1–10 Get Ready Book helps school-ready children identify numbers and place them in sequence, all while enjoying highly immersive and fun activities! 

The activities throughout the book immerse children in learning about numeracy as they build their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by practising to circle, count and group.  Get Ready books review, reinforce and accelerate learning, and keep kids classroom ready.  Get Ready books review, reinforce and accelerate learning, and keep kids classroom ready.

出版社 Hinker
ISBN 9781488941474
頁數 64
尺碼 276mm x 216mm

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