Snap & Snuggle Book - Shapes & Colours Farmyard - Wonderbox Workshop

Snap & Snuggle Book - Shapes & Colours Farmyard - Wonderbox Workshop - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: WBW-9781914330155
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 99 HK$ 89
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Snap & Snuggle Book - Shapes & Colours Farmyard

Snap & Snuggle books are one-of-a-kind!  They come with a matching plush snap-band for children to snap onto their arms, legs or wherever and play along with the story. 

Snap the cuddly toy onto your arm and snuggle up for a story all about your new little friend. With our wide collection of cuddly companions, our snap and
snuggles are perfect for every child to help grow their love for reading.

作者 JJ Lachowich
出版社 Wonderbox Workshop
ISBN 9781914330155
插圖者 Sarah Wade
種類 Boardbook
頁數 12
尺碼 13.5 x 13.5 x 2 cm

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