Swaddle UP Transition Bag Designer Collection (1.0 tog) - 啤梨 (L碼) - Love To Dream

-15% Out Of Stock Swaddle UP Transition Bag Designer Collection (1.0 tog) - 啤梨 (L碼) - Love To Dream - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

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型 號: LTD-9343443103671
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 359 HK$ 305
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Love To Dream - Swaddle UP™ Transition Bag Designer Collection (1.0 tog)

Preserve your precious sleep routine when it’s time to transition.

Making the move from the secure feeling of being swaddled to sleeping with arms free can be upsetting for some babies… not to mention their parents!  But there is a way to preserve your sleep routine during the transition.

The Swaddle UP™ transition bag helps your baby to gradually adjust to sleeping un-swaddled.  Simply unzip one ‘wing’, wait a few nights for your baby to adjust to the sensation of sleeping with one arm released, & then remove the second wing. Your baby is now transitioned!

  • Converts to a snug sleep bag for longer-term use
  • Genius two-way zipper for easy diaper changes
  • Hip-healthy design allows hips and legs to flex naturally


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