The Rainbow Race - Lake Press

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型 號: LKP-9780992597320
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HK$ 99 HK$ 79
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Paper Rock Press - The Rainbow Race

Rainbow Race and Reasons for Seasons

These beautiful layered board books feature cut-outs and glitter. The sweet stories help to teach your child about the different seasons and the colours of the rainbow.

A layered 7-spread board book. Each layered edge features one of the seven colours of the rainbow and is ‘highlighted’ with glitter. Seven animals, each representing one of the seven colours, participate in a race to determine the order of the colours of the rainbow. A happy story, with every animal satisfied with their finishing place in the race!Provides an innovative and fun way for children to learn the order of, and the colours of, the rainbow!

出版社 Paper Rock Press
ISBN 9780992597320
插圖者 Gareth Llewhellin
種類 厚皮書
頁數 16 pages
尺碼 230 x 230 mm

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