101 First Words - Animals - Hinkler

-60% Out Of Stock 101 First Words - Animals - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HNK-9781743633724
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 98 HK$ 39
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101 First Words - Animals

These bright board books will teach children first words and concepts. Packed with colourful photographs of familiar items, children will learn early reading skills and develop their picture word association abilities. Children will learn early reading skills and develop their picture-word association abilities. Packed with colourful photographs of familiar items. Premium padded cover. Bright contemporary design with clear photographic images and easy-to-read text.

Young children will love the delightful colour photographs in 101 First Words: Animals.  This bright and engaging series will expand their vocabulary as they learn about the world around them.

出版社 Hinkler Books
ISBN 9781743633724
種類 硬皮書
頁數 16
尺碼 236 x 192 x 23 mm

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