A Use-Your-Words Feeling Book - Milo the Mouse - The Clever Factory

-46% Out Of Stock A Use-Your-Words Feeling Book - Milo the Mouse - The Clever Factory - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: CVF-806008685252
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 56 HK$ 30
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Milo the Mouse - A Use-Your-Words Feeling Book 

Children's feelings and emotions are strong, but smaller children can feel helpless without the ability to identify or articulate many of these feelings. 

Use-Your-Words Feeling Books feature storylines that help build emotional language skills, complete with interactive facial expressions to enhance children's understanding of others' emotions.

出版社 The Clever Factory, Inc (USA)
ISBN 806008685252
種類 厚皮書
頁數 12 pages
尺碼 290 x 170 mm

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