AirFree Vent 排氣配件 (1件) - Philips Avent

Out Of Stock AirFree Vent 排氣配件 (1件) - Philips Avent - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: AVT-8710103852926
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 35
購買數量: 加入購物車

Philips Avent - AirFee™ Vent

This unique AirFree vent is designed to help your baby swallow less air as they drink by keeping the teat full of milk during feeding. Reducing the amount of air your baby ingests helps w/common feeding issues such as colic, reflux & gas.

Designed to reduce colic, gas and reflux*

Locks milk in, keeps air out, for easy upright feeding

The teat stays full of milk, even when the bottle is horizontal, so your baby can drink in a more natural, upright position. This can help reduce reflux, aid digestion, and make feeding time more comfortable for you and your little one. 

Teat stays full of milk, not air

Our unique AirFree™ vent draws air away from the teat, so your baby swallows less air as they drink. This can help reduce common feeding issues such as colic, reflux and gas. 

Easy to clean & assemble, as AirFree™ vent is a single piece

The AirFree™ vent can be easily assembled with any Philips Avent Anti-colic and Classic+ bottle. Also as the vent is one single piece, cleaning is a breeze. 

Simple to use

To start, fill the bottle with milk, place the AirFree™ vent over the rim, and screw on the teat. Tilt the bottle downwards once to fill the teat, and you're ready to go. When feeding, make sure the AirFree™ vent stays on top. The teat will stay full of milk, even when it's horizontal, for easier upright feeding. 


Compatible with all sizes Philips Avent Anti-colic bottles

The Philips Avent AirFree™ vent is compatible with our 4oz / 125 ml, 9oz / 260 ml and 11oz / 330ml Philips Avent Anti-colic bottles. The AirFree vent is not compatible with the Natural bottles. 


* The AirFree™ vent is designed to help your baby swallow less air. The teat stays full of milk, even when horizontal, for upright feeding. Reducing the air a baby ingests can help ease common feeding issues like colic, gas and reflux.

* At 2 weeks of age, babies fed with a Philips Avent bottle showed a trend to less colic compared to a conventional bottle and a significant reduction in fussing at night compared to babies fed with another leading bottle.

* What colic is, and how it affects babies? Colic is caused in part by swallowing air while feeding, which creates discomfort in a baby’s digestive system. Symptoms include crying, fussing, gassiness and spit-up.

生產地 英國

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