Andy Griffiths Storey Treehouse Series - 6 Books - MacMillan

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MacMillan - Andy Griffiths Storey Treehouse Series - 6 Books

The 13-Storey Treehouse is the first book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.

Andy and Terry live in the WORLD'S BEST treehouse! It's got a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory, a tank of man-eating sharks and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you're hungry! Just watch out for the flying cats, or the mermaids, or the sea monsters pretending to be mermaids, or the giant mutant mermaid sea monster . . . Oh, and, whatever you do, don't get trapped in a burp-gas-filled bubble . . . !

Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

The 26-Storey Treehouse is the second book in Andy Griffith's and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.

Andy and Terry have expanded their treehouse! There are now thirteen brand-new storeys, including a dodgem-car rink, a skate ramp, a mud-fighting arena, an antigravity chamber, an ice-cream parlour with seventy-eight flavours run by an ice-cream-serving robot called Edward Scooperhands, and the Maze of Doom – a maze so complicated that nobody who has gone in has ever come out again . . . well, not yet anyway . . .

This time, the two friends have a whole week to finish their next book, and Andy even knows what it should be about: the story of how he and Terry first met. But life is NEVER boring in the treehouse, and emergency shark operations, giant storms, and wooden pirate heads are just the beginning . . .

The 39-Storey Treehouse is the third book in Andy Griffith's and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.

Andy and Terry's amazing treehouse has thirteen new levels (it used to be 13 storeys, then 26, but they keep expanding!)

They've added a chocolate waterfall you can swim in, a volcano for toasting marshmallows, a bulldozer-battling level, a baby-dinosaur-petting zoo, a not-very-merry merry-go-round, a boxing elephant called the Trunkinator, an X-ray room, a disco with light-up dance floor, the world's scariest roller coaster and a top-secret thirty-ninth level which hasn't even been finished yet!

And this year Terry has created the greatest invention that he―or anyone else―has ever invented . . . a Once-upon-a-time machine that will write and illustrate their entire book for them!

e 52-Storey Treehouse is the fourth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.

Winner of the ABIA Book of the Year Award.

Andy and Terry's incredible, ever-expanding treehouse has thirteen new storeys (it used to be 13, then 26, then 39, but they keep expanding!) including a watermelon-smashing level, a wave machine, a life-size snakes and ladders game (with real ladders and real snakes!), a rocket-powered carrot launcher, a Ninja Snail Training Academy and a high-tech detective agency with all the latest high-tech detective technology. Which is lucky, because they have a BIG mystery to solve – Where is Mr Big Nose???

The 65-Storey Treehouse is the fifth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.

Andy and Terry's amazing 65-Storey Treehouse (it used to be 52 stories, but they keep expanding!) now has a pet-grooming salon, a birthday room where it's always your birthday (even when it's not), a room full of exploding eyeballs, a lollipop shop, a quicksand pit, an ant farm, a time machine ... which is going to be really, really useful now, since Terry messed up (again) and the treehouse just FAILED it's safety inspection. Join Andy and Terry on a whirlwind trip through time as they try to stop the treehouse from being demolished!

The 78-Storey Treehouse is the sixth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.

Join Andy and Terry in their 78-storey spectacular treehouse (it used to be 65 storeys, but they keep expanding!) They've added thirteen new levels including a drive-thru car wash, a combining machine, a scribbletorium, an ALL-BALL sports stadium, Andyland, Terrytown, a high-security potato chip storage facility and an open-air movie theatre with a super giant screen . . . which is a very useful thing to have now that Terry’s going to be a big-shot movie star!


With its slapstick humour, brilliant absurdities and some bonus puzzles to solve at the back of the book, The 13-Storey Treehouse is the best 'tall story' you'll read this year! -- Lancashire Evening Post on 13-Storey Treehouse

Longtime collaborators Griffiths and Denton (Killer Koalas from Outer Space) get metafictional in their latest book (first published in Australia), and the result is anarchic absurdity at its best... Denton's manic cartooning captures every twist and turn in hilarious detail, as babies are pelted with garbage, yapping dogs squashed, and monkeys catapulted into the distance. -- Publishers Weekly, on 13-Storey Treehouse

Full of crazy, funny pictures, which will make you laugh . . . Extremely enjoyable, very funny and easy to read! -- SophieStarlight ―

Especially good for reluctant readers as it is heavily illustrated and VERY funny . . . This really is the coolest treehouse ever! ― Angels & Urchins

Packed with cartoons and craziness ― Sunday Express

This book is about friends Andy and a Terry that live in a really cool 13-storey treehouse, with cool things like a bowling alley, games room and secret lab. They invent things and write things; Andy does the writing and Terry does the pictures. I could read this book on my own without assistance. I read it pretty quickly as it was really interesting and funny, so I wanted to keep reading it. I liked there was chapters, so I could read to the end of the chapter and knew where I was picking up, and each chapter was a good length. I liked at the end of the book there were fun things to do; a word search, maze, spot the difference, a quiz and jokes. The black and white illustrations helped bring the book to life. Chapter 7 the monster mermaid, maybe be scary to some readers. The pictures of the monster aren't really scary, but what is written might scare some; talks about eating people, but goes into detail; ripping limbs, crushing heads etc, so a bit gruesome. One chapter has one word all the way through, which was silly but funny. The friends get up to some crazy things, an enjoyable book. -- Toppsta Reviewer, on 13-Storey Treehouse

My son absolutely adores this whole series of books. They are hilariously funny but so imaginative and creative. I've recommended them to so many people and haven't yet found a child who doesn't love them. This first book sets the scene with Andy and Terry - the characters and authors/illustrators - living in a treehouse with 13 stories who are meant to be writing a book but keep getting distracted by an endless stream of hilarious madness. ― Toppsta Reviewer

I bought this book (the first in a series) on the basis of many positive reviews. Having now read it, I know my decision is vindicated. It's funny, hugely imaginative and has LOTS of pictures. What child would not want a treehouse with see-through swimming pool, lemonade fountain, games room, bowling alley and marshmallow machine? Besides, this one is also home to book-making duo Andy, the writer, and Terry, the illustrator. But story-making isn't always straightforward, especially when there are gorillas to contend with. No matter, flying cats to the rescue! And when the story is over, there are still jokes, a spot-the-difference, a maze, wordsearch and treehouse triva to enjoy.

Children with the latest brain-to-brain-information technology will be able to read it; others will have to ask for it at the library or a bookshop. They will also want to visit for loads more fun and the latest from author Andy Griffiths.

-- Toppsta Reviewer, on 13-Storey Treehouse

Brilliant series and if you haven't read them yet why not? Start at the beginning and work through them all. Laugh out loud funny and I love reading about all the things they have in their treehouse. ― Toppsta Reviewer

I bought the set of these after reading the other Toppsta reviews. My son read this book solidly in one day. He has LOVED it, the mix of text and illustrations is ideal for this age range, I could hear him laughing away to himself whilst he was reading it, although I'm not convinced he followed the whole story, he has since read most of it again (as we were out and the next one was at home) A fabulous buy that will be read time and time again. ― Toppsta Reviewer

This is silly and fun and a great book to encourage of love of reading in young children. I read this to my 5 year old daughter and months later she still makes reference to a scene in the book. She is a strong reader for her age and wanted to get the other books in the series. She started reading more bits of them herself before devouring the 65 and 78-storey treehouse books entirely by herself. The 78-Storey Treehouse she read in one sitting. She can't wait for the 91-Storey Treehouse to come out later this year. ― Toppsta Reviewer

About the Author

Andy Griffiths is an internationally successful, award-winning children's author. His books have been bestsellers in his homeland Australia, the USA and the UK. He is the co-creator of the bestselling, award-winning Treehouse series with illustrator Terry Denton, which has been published in over thirty countries. Andy thrives on having an audience: he has worked as a high school teacher; been the lead singer in a rock band and a stand-up comedian. He has two daughters and lives in Melbourne, Australia.

The first book in the Treehouse series, 13-Storey Treehouse, won the Sainsburys Children's Book Award in 2015, the Lancashire Fantastic Book Award in 2016, as well as the 2016 Coventry Inspiration Award, and the fourth Treehouse book, The 52-Storey Treehouse, won the Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year prize – the first children's book to ever do so.

Terry Denton is a bestselling and award-winning writer and illustrator based in Melbourne, where he lives by the beach with his wife and three kids. He has won more than fifteen children's choice awards throughout Australia and is the co-creator of the bestselling Treehouse series with author Andy Griffiths, which has been published in over thirty countries. As well as being an illustrator, Terry is a fine artist and has held several exhibitions around inner Melbourne.

The first book in the Treehouse series, 13-Storey Treehouse, won the Sainsburys Children's Book Award in 2015, the Lancashire Fantastic Book Award in 2016, as well as the 2016 Coventry Inspiration Award, and the fourth Treehouse book, The 52-Storey Treehouse, won the Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year prize – the first children's book to ever do so.


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