Baby Calm + Comfort Probiotic + Chamomile Drops 8.5ml - Culturelle

-25% Out Of Stock Baby Calm + Comfort Probiotic + Chamomile Drops 8.5ml - Culturelle - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: CTL-049100400525
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 198 HK$ 148
您節省了: 25% (-HK$ 50)
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Culturelle - Baby Calm + Comfort  Probiotic + Chamomile Drops 8.5ml

Help reduce your baby’s fussiness and crying due to occasional digestive upset with easy-to-use probiotic drops.* 

Help soothe your baby around the clock.*¥

As a parent, an inconsolable infant can leave you feeling helpless. Too often, tummy troubles are the source of this occasional distress. Probiotic drops, like Culturelle® Baby Calm + Comfort Probiotic + Chamomile Drops, help support baby’s health by boosting digestion, alleviating occasional digestive upset, and reducing the associated fussiness and crying to put your baby—and you—at ease.*§

How Does it Work?

Using only safe and gentle ingredients that work naturally with your baby’s body, Culturelle® Baby Calm + Comfort Probiotic + Chamomile Drops with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®), the most clinically studied probiotic in infants,†† helps keep your baby’s gut microbiota balanced and healthy.*

Benefits of Culturelle® Baby Calm + Comfort Drops with LGG®

  • Helps reduce fussiness and crying*§ 
  • Helps your baby’s digestive system work better*
  • Helps restore the natural balance of good bacteria in your baby’s digestive tract* 
生產地 丹麥
此日期前最佳 2021 年 4 月 30 日

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