Baby Talk Hungry - Other Book Publishers

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品 牌: Other Book Publishers
型 號: ACT-9781743400258
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 59 HK$ 49
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Alicat - Baby Talk Hungry

by Alison Reynolds

Babies love books!  And we love sharing books with our babies!

Baby Talk is a delightful, new series of four board books to help you understand your baby’s “talk”.

Even though we might not realise it immediately, babies “talk” to us and tell us what they want and need. As caregivers, it is our job to watch, listen and respond. This is how we can communicate with our babies no matter how old they are.

Delightfully illustrated by well-known illustrator Lee Krutop and written by Alison Reynolds this series of board books help you understand your baby’s needs.

作者 Alison Reynolds
出版社 Alicat Publishing
ISBN 9781743400258
插圖者 Lee Krutop
種類 硬皮書
頁數 10 pages
尺碼 208 x 208 mm
國家 澳洲

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