BBC Active - Fun with Numbers - Counting 1 to 10 (DVD & Poster Pack) - Snap! Entertainment

-43% BBC Active - Fun with Numbers - Counting 1 to 10 (DVD & Poster Pack) - Snap! Entertainment - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: SNE-8885008461242
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HK$ 120 HK$ 68
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BBC Active - Fun with Numbers - Counting 1 to 10(DVD & Poster Pack)

This pack is a great way to get children started with counting.  The pack supports parents in teaching their child counting and number recognition skills.

Engaging all of your child's senses.  Fun with Numbers: Counting 1 to 10 is a unique combination of DVD and poster.  It's the ideal way for your child to learn counting and number recognition by talking about and observing numbers, playing number games and learning to recognise and write numbers.

This easy-to-use pack contains a DVD taken from the CBBC television praogrammes Numbertime, featuring EI Nombre and friends who help solve simple mathematical problems, and a brightly illustrated poster highlighting the numbers 1 to 10.

Your child will have fun learning to count to 10 with the help of Fun with Numbers.

Suitable for children aged 1-4 years


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