Brio World - Snow Plow Train - BRIO

Brio World - Snow Plow Train - BRIO - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: BRI-7312350336061
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 229 HK$ 206
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BRIO World - Snow Plow Train

Oh no, there’s snow blocking the tracks! Not to worry though, the 33606 Snow Plow Train is on route. Lower the blade into place and then power through the snow to push it off the tracks. This toy train also comes with a scenic snowy railway track to really bring the cold to your BRIO World. Inspired by real snow plow trains from around the world, this real-life based play helps children’s development by promoting logical thinking and fine motor skills in a recognisable environment.

Suitable for ages 3 years and up.


  • 1 x Train
  • 1 x Carriage
  • 1 x Track Piece
  • 1 x Container
  • 1 x Cargo

Manufactured to BRIO's high standards and from FSC Certified wood. Each set is fully compatible with other BRIO sets, tracks and trains. BRIO products are made from very high quality plastic and Beech wood from sustainable sources. The Trains, Wagons, Carriages, and Road Vehicles all feature the classic BRIO magnetic couplings allowing for easy connection to each other.


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