Bubble Buddies: Big Shark, Little Shar - Make Believe Ideas

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型 號: MBI-9781789470017
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 99 HK$ 69
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Make Believe Ideas - Bubble Buddies: Big Shark, Little Shar

Introducing Make Believe Ideas’ brand-new series: BUBBLE BUDDIES Explore unlikely underwater friendships in this sweet, rhyming board book with a novelty bubble pouch cover filled with liquid, confetti and floating sea creatures! UNDERWATER-THEMED BOARD BOOK WITH BUBBLE POUCH COVER

  • Bubble Buddies is a brand-new series from Make Believe Ideas.
  • Children will love exploring the bubble pouch cover filled with liquid, confetti and floating characters.
  • A perfectly playful board book that children will love sharing with friends and family.

作者 Christie Hainsby
出版社 Make Believe Ideas
ISBN 9781789470017
插圖者 Clare Fennell
種類 硬皮書 (with bubble pouch cover containing floating sea creatures and foil confetti)
頁數 14
尺碼 150 × 203 × 12 mm

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