Calligraphy Practice Kit (Small Format) - Hinkler

-40% Out Of Stock Calligraphy Practice Kit (Small Format) - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HIN-9781488916656
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 99 HK$ 59
您節省了: 40% (-HK$ 40)
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Hinkler - Calligraphy Practice Kit (Small Format)

There are few things more admirable than beautiful handwriting, where every letter is written with flair and a flourish. Join expert calligrapher Peter Taylor as he takes readers on a comprehensive instructional journey into the artistic design and use of hand-created letters. 

The Calligraphy Practice Kit is designed with the philosophy that ‘practice makes perfect’. In the 14-page book, Peter shares his top tips on how to develop the best techniques to write Foundational and Gothic calligraphy, two of the most universally revered styles. Also included are a calligraphy pen and various nib sizes and ink colours, so anyone can begin to develop their skills as a calligrapher.

  • a calligraphy pen
  • 2 nibs
  • 3 ink cartridges
  • 16-page book  
ISBN 9781488916656

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