Cloth All-In-Ones (貓頭鷹) - GroVia™

Out Of Stock Cloth All-In-Ones (貓頭鷹) - GroVia™ - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: GRO-851614002818
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 238 HK$ 226
您節省了: 5% (-HK$ 12)
購買數量: 加入購物車

GroVia™ Cloth All-In-Ones have a super absorbent, organic cotton inner with a soft layer of water resistant TPU outer.
No stuffing, no doublers!!

What do you get when you combine ultra soft organic cotton with stretchy wings and a side snap design? The PERFECT diaper!!

- Stretchy tabs for a perfect fit
- No stuffing, no doublers
- Trim one size design that grows with baby
- No cover required
- Quick dry design

- Simply adjusts rise snaps as needed and fasten on baby.
- Use snap in soaker for older babies or heavy wetters.
- When soiled start fresh with a new diaper.

- The stretch side panels and cotton inner make this an ideal first trainer!!

Diaper Preparation
(This is an important step...don't skip it!!)
Wash hot with detergent and tumble dry 5-6 times before use. They will continue to gain more absorbency as you wash them.

- Remover as much solid matter as possible
- Place soiled diaper in a dry diaper pail-no soaking necessary
- Wash every 2 days on warm with detergent
- Tumble dry
- Do NOT use bleach, enzyme cleaners or fabric softeners

Our unique design fits babies 10-35+lbs

For smaller baby, check out ‘AIO Newborn’

Available Color / Prints
- 雲尼拿
- 冰藍
- 粉紅
- 小飛機
- 貓頭鷹
- 花花世界
- 大自然



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Cloth All-In-Ones (小飛機) Out Of Stock
GroVia™ Cloth All-In-Ones have a super absorbent, organic cotton inner with a soft layer of water..
238 HK$ 226