Disney Frozen II Dynamic Family Game - Boom Boom - Trefl

Disney Frozen II Dynamic Family Game - Boom Boom - Trefl - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: TFL-5900511020076
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 229 HK$ 206
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Trefl - Disney Frozen II Dynamic Family Game - Boom Boom

Boom Boom is a crazy card game! Make and make lightning fast! Change cards and collect sets and hit with the blade! You win the fastest Treflik game piece. Do you have enough notes? Boom Boom Frozen 2 is an extremely dynamic game full of fantastic game. Show reflection and perception. Works quickly, no time to lose. With Boom Boom, everyone plays at the same time. Whoever collects all the cards first. With Boom Boom, players complete these sets of the popular Disney Kralina Eiskalina 2 and simultaneously exchange their cards with cards on the planner. Once the player is summarized, the player beats the bell and signals the recording of the finished stack. Players can hunt for the same card types, making playing even more emotional. Collect the corresponding number of stacks of the same cards and become the winner

  • Boom Boom Frozen 2 is a dynamic card game where players complete the cards with their favourite characters from the movie and hear the task of the bell beat
  • The game is suitable for children over 6 years
  • The average playing time is 10-20 minutes and the intended number of treflier is 2-4 people
  • Box contains: 56 cards, bell, colour board, instructions (English language not guaranteed)
  • The game is the perfect gift for a birthday, social dates or at a cosy time in between

來源地 波蘭
生產地 波蘭

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