Double-layer Easy Swaddle (S/M) 1.1tog - Princess Posie - Aden + Anais

Out Of Stock Double-layer Easy Swaddle (S/M) 1.1tog - Princess Posie - Aden + Anais - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: ANA-813701012667
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HK$ 219 HK$ 198
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Aden + Anais - Double-layer Easy Swaddle

The time-honored tradition of swaddling is made even simpler with our classic easy swaddle. This wearable cotton muslin swaddle features adjustable snaps that make it so easy to achieve the perfect fit that it almost feels like cheating—almost. The fabric’s open weave helps reduce the risk of overheating so your little one stays comfy all night long.

  • Includes 1 pre-washed 100% cotton muslin adjustable swaddle with snaps
  • Breathable: helps reduce the risk of overheating
  • Simple: easy snaps for adjustable size and a secure hold
  • Comfy: two layers of soft cotton muslin
  • Machine washable: stays soft wash after wash 
machine washable soft breathable TOG rating
  pre-washed and stays soft wash after wash helps reduce the risk of overheating 1.1 tog

the benefits of swaddling

swaddling is one of the most gentle, effective and beneficial practices for parents and their children

It is said to be familiar to babies, as it recreates the secure and cozy feeling of the womb. It has also been said that swaddling babies prevents spontaneous movements called the moro or startle reflex from waking them*—which allows for a much more peaceful night's sleep.

In his wildly popular baby care book, The Happiest Baby on the Block (2003), famed American pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp touts the magical qualities of swaddling, among them soothing crying babies and lulling them to sleep. He explains that swaddling triggers a “relaxation” mechanism in infants that helps soothe them.* And some touch therapists say that swaddling can even help develop an infant’s tactile system so they become comfortable with being touched, which is key to healthy development.*

While we now have the scientific evidence to prove it, swaddling’s ability to soothe and calm babies has been known around the world for centuries. The oldest archaeological evidence of mothers swaddling their babies begins in 4000 B.C. with the migrating peoples of ancient central Asia. The ancient Greeks and Romans swaddled. There are even biblical references to the practice.*

Born and raised in Australia, aden + anais co-founder Raegan Moya-Jones grew up with her native land’s time-honored practice of swaddling babies in cotton muslin blankets. For countless generations, Aussie parents have comforted and secured their children in this supremely soft, breathable fabric. In 2006, Raegan introduced the first muslin swaddle blanket to the United States, and aden + anais’ award-winning original swaddle continues to set the standard worldwide.


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