Dress Up Fashion Dolls - Designer Collection - Hinkler

-52% Dress Up Fashion Dolls - Designer Collection - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HNK-9781741857788
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 144 HK$ 69
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Hinkler - Dress Up Fashion Dolls - Designer Collection

4 Dolls with Over 220 Fashion Pieces

Includes 4 press-out fashion dolls and over 260 different fashion pieces. Children can put on a make-believe fashion show with this new press-out doll collection! These princess and fairy dolls will model any combination of the over 260 fashion pieces included. Each of 4 charming dolls, distinct in appearance, can be dressed with the interchangeable gowns, tops, skirts, shoes, hats, accessories, and more, for a different look for each walk down an imaginary runway or dance in a magical ballroom. Kids will enjoy the endless possibilities in this Designer Collection. The premium presentation with double-gatefolds on the front and back covers protects the sturdy dolls prior to play, and foil and embossing cover treatments will catch the eye of every budding fashionista.

出版社 Hinkler Books
ISBN 9781741857788
種類 Paperback
尺碼 204 x 272 x 10 mm

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