EasyFit 竹織布布片 - 白色 (五條裝) 特價 - Tots Bots

-45% Out Of Stock EasyFit 竹織布布片 - 白色 (五條裝) 特價 - Tots Bots - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: TOT-5060131215952
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 1,100 HK$ 600
您節省了: 45% (-HK$ 500)
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The EasyFit All-In-One diaper is truly Indisposable convenience!!

Designed for today's modern parent, this 'easyfit' diaper is ...

- Easy to user - One piece design with Aplix fastenings works just like a disposable, so no excuses for dad!

- Snug and slim fitting - No excess bulk around hips or waist makes for a better fit under today's baby clothes.

- Virtually leak proof - With elasticated legs, waist and wick proof edging surrounding the core.

- One Size from birth to potty - Simply adjust the height using the poppers on the front.

- Comfortable - Made from state of the art lovely, soft, stretchy fabrics.

- Flexible - Bamboo insert for night time or olympic widdlers, allows you to adjust the absorbency to suit your baby.

The core and booster is made with bamboo, that makes it unltra soft wash after wash.

Why Bamboo?
- High absorbent - 60% more than cotton
- Anti-bacterial
- Gentle to baby skin (even for the most sensitive skin)
- Environmental friendly to grow

The inner folds out for even quicker drying. A separate bamboo booster is included that can be used if required, though probably unnecessary for very small babies. The outer is made from the same fabric as TotsBots new Rainbow Wraps, so this diaper looks great on.

Add either a paper liner or fleece liner to separate the poo from the diaper for easier washing, if required.

The height of the diaper is shortened using poppers on the front of the diaper. Folding down the diaper should only be required for the first 6 months or so (dependent upon the babies weight).


Fastening: 法國 Aplix
尺碼: 一個碼 - 由初生至脫片期 (大約 35 磅)


From birth to 35 lbs


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