Five Little Skunks (Read and Sing Along) - Twin Sisters

Five Little Skunks (Read and Sing Along) - Twin Sisters - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: TWS-9781599225098
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 50 HK$ 45
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Twin Sisters Five Little Skunks (Read and Sing Along)

What happens when you take five little skunks on a picnic one fine day? 

Track 1 is the story sung word-for-word so young readers can sing along with each page on their own. 

Tracks 2 to 12 include other counting and fun learning songs!

出版社 Twin Sisters Productions
ISBN 9781599225098
插圖者 Roberta Collier-Morales
種類 紙皮 / 紙內容 + CD
頁數 16 pages
尺碼 201 x 203 mm

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