Curious Universe Kids - Radical Robotics - Hinkler

-27% Curious Universe Kids - Radical Robotics - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HIN-9781488913877
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 368 HK$ 269
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Hinkler - Curious Universe Kids - Radical Robotics

Imagine harnessing the power of robotics using straws, a balloon or an elastic band! Discover the incredible science behind different types of machines with Curious Universe™: Radical Robotics!

By combining the items in this kit with common household objects, the Radical Robotics book shows you how to make 50 mind-boggling machines, simply and safely, at home!

Create a mini trebuchet, a dancing hip-hop bot, a rocket car, a robot hand and more, before upgrading to a whole new level of fun – making an incredible 3-in-1 solar robot!

出版社 Hinkler Book
ISBN 9781488913877

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