Inkredibles Magic Ink Pictures - Magical Mermaids - Hinkler

-37% Inkredibles Magic Ink Pictures - Magical Mermaids - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HIN-9781488917929
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 78 HK$ 49
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Hinkler - Inkredibles Magic Ink Pictures - Magical Mermaids

The Inkredible activities in this Mermaids Magic Ink colouring and activity book are fun and enchanting! 

Kids can enjoy a range of exciting activities, including big colour character reveals, seek-and-finds, mazes and more, all of which come to life when the Magic Ink pen runs across the page, revealing rainbows of colour.

Plus, the Inkredible technology keeps the magical, multi-coloured fun on the page and off everything else!

  • 11 activity pages
  • 1 magic ink marker
年齡組別 3Y+
出版社 Hinkler
ISBN 9781488917929
頁數 11
尺碼 160 x 212 mm

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