Huggies - Diamond 親膚嬰兒紙尿片 - XL碼 (32片) - Huggies

-8% Out Of Stock Huggies - Diamond 親膚嬰兒紙尿片 - XL碼 (32片) - Huggies - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: HGG-4891043710010
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 128 HK$ 118
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Huggies - Diamond 親膚嬰兒紙尿片 - XL (32片) (12-16kg)

全新HUGGIES® Diamond 親膚紙尿片,特有pH 親膚內表層,溫和天然咁鍚住寶寶的肌膚,配合5mm革命性纖薄及絲滑般超凡柔軟材質,就如媽媽擁抱般溫柔。

pH skin-friendly liner
pH skin-friendly liner helps protect delicate skin with mild acidic environment

Ultra thin - Light & breathable
Ultra thin with over 100 million holes (1) draw away stuffiness keeping skin fresh

Silky Softest Diaper (2)
Made from our softest materials that embraces your baby in total comfort

Flexi Form
Body fit, Non bulky
3600 super flexible core - slim fit without bunching & bulkiness after multiple wettings

Dual lock design
[NB, S] 5 layer super absorbent structure absorbs urine faster up to 12 hours (3). Pocketed-back helps to avoid leakage of runny poo.
[M, L, XL] 5 layer super absorbent structure absorbs urine faster up to 12 hours (3). Pocketed-back helps to avoid leakage from behind. (for AB size

Clincially proven to help prevent rash (4)

^ Based on existing Huggies open diaper as of July 2018
(1) Based on number of holes/mm2 on the outer-cover film
(2) amongst existing Huggies open diaper as of July 2018
(3) Based on research on average urination rate of babies per 12 hrs
(4) Clinically proven - HUGGIES® diaper formulation of dryness and breathability was clinically-proven on babies and met the criteria to significantly help prevent diaper rash or dermatitis (Akin et al, Pediatric Dermatology, 2001)


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