Hungry Otter Rattle - Fisher Price

Hungry Otter Rattle - Fisher Price - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: FIS-887961796100O
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 55 HK$ 50
您節省了: 9% (-HK$ 5)
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Fisher-Price - Hungry Otter Rattle

Baby can shake up some sensory fun with this friendly otter rattle with colorful fish beads in its belly!Shake up play time with the FisherPrice Hungry Otter Rattle. This adorable toy features a soft head and tail and colorful "fish" beads in its clear belly. When your baby grasps and shakes their otter pal, they'll see the little fishies rattle around inside! Where development comes into play Sensory: The otter's soft tail and head, and colorful rattle beads inside his belly engage and excite your baby's tactile, visual, and auditory senses. Gross Motor: Grasping and shaking their otter pal helps strengthen your baby's gross motor skills. 


  • ​Friendly otter rattle toy for babies ages 3 months and older
  • ​4 Sensory Discoveries engage your baby’s senses of sight, hearing, and touch
  • ​Shake the otter to see colorful fish beads rattle around its clear belly
  • ​Soft head and tail for baby to explore
  • ​Lightweight and easy for little hands to grasp

年齡組別 3 個月或以上

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