I Love You, Grandma and Grandad - Parragon

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型 號: PRG-9781445464176
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 130 HK$ 65
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Parragon - I Love You, Grandma and Grandad

My grandma and grandad are the best grandma and grandad bears in the whole wide world.  They're the best at finding yummy things to eat (and teaching me how to find them), being brave (and teaching me how to be brave), finding dens for the winter (and teaching me how to find them too) and lots and lots and lots of things as well.  That's why I love them so much!

作者 Jillian Harker
出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781445464176
種類 Padded Cover
尺碼 218 x 260 x 10mm

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