Illustrated Dictionary of Science - Usborne

Illustrated Dictionary of Science - Usborne - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: USB-9781409539100
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HK$ 288 HK$ 259
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Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science

This book contains the following Usborne titles: Illustrated dictionary of biology, Illustrated dictionary of physics and Illustrated dictionary of chemistry.

  • An essential and great value home or school reference book for SAT and GCSE students.
  • Organised in three sections, each covering the key aspects of the curriculum for physics, biology and chemistry, and including charts, tables and lists of important information.
  • Key concepts and basic ideas are clearly explained with simple text and colourful pictures and diagrams.
  • Includes internet links to educational websites for further learning.

作者 Jane Chisholm
出版社 Usborne
ISBN 9781409539100
種類 軟皮
頁數 384
尺碼 240 x 170mm
國家 英國

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