Basher Basics - Maths - KingFisher

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型 號: KFS-9780753419656
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 80 HK$ 64
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Kingfisher - Basher Basics - Maths  

Basher Basics: Math, A Book You Can Count On created and illustrated by Simon Basher:

Meet Zero, a bubbly fellow who will dissolve you to nothing, and say hello to the all-action Units, who just love to measure. Get a load of greedy Multiply, a big guy who hoards numbers together, and stand amazed by mysterious Pi, who goes on and on and on . . . to Infinity!

Multiply your number know-how with Basher's unique one-stop guide to the building blocks of mathematics. Packed with top tips and memorable characters, this is an essential book for students ages 8 and up.

作者 Simon Basher
出版社 KingFisher
ISBN 9780753419656
種類 軟皮書
頁數 64 pages
尺碼 178 x 178 mm

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