Basher Science - Algebra & Geometry - KingFisher

Basher Science - Algebra & Geometry - KingFisher - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: KFS-9780753430859
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Kingfisher - Basher Science - Algebra & Geometry

Meet Polygon and Plane, Reflection and Rotation, Odd Number and his buddy Even Number and the three amigos Sine, Cosine and Tangent. Discover the secrets of their world and how they like to throw their numbers about.

Perfect for both home and school, Basher Science: Algebra and Geometry is a compelling guide to the community of characters who make maths interesting.

作者 Simon Basher
出版社 KingFisher
ISBN 9780753430859
種類 軟皮書
頁數 128 pages
尺碼 178 x 178 mm

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