The Book of ... Which? - KingFisher

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型 號: KFS-9780753431146
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 80 HK$ 64
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Kingfisher - The Book of ... Which?

Drawing on the best-selling I Wonder Why series, this highly collectible question-and-answer series groups information by type of question, and covers a wide range of subjects including science, nature, geography and history. With 50 fascinating questions per book and a fun graphic style, this series is perfect for traveling, trivia, and so much more!

Dates and times have a reputation for being dry and boring, but not in the pages of this book. Drawing on wide variety of subjects, this book is packed with the most interesting questions about questions beginnign with 'Which.' With funny line drawings and interesting side notes on each page, this book will entertain curious readers of all ages.

出版社 KingFisher
ISBN 9780753419649
插圖者 Ray Bryant
種類 軟皮書
頁數 64 pages
尺碼 200 x 200 mm

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