Magnetic Fruit Fractions - Learning Resources

Magnetic Fruit Fractions - Learning Resources - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: LER-765023050684
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Learning Resources - Magnetic Fruit Fractions

Help kids build school-ready math skills with these fun, fruity fraction puzzles! Introduce and identify early fraction concepts with 6 fun fruits that break down into unique fraction combos, from whole to halves to eighths. These big magnetic fractions (measuring 8" in diameter) are perfect for classroom instruction on whiteboards or other magnetic-receptive surfaces!

Skill Sets

  • Fractions
  • Critical Thinking

  • BIG FRUIT, BIG LEARNING: Measuring 20cm in diameter, this set’s 6 maths teaching toys each break down into unique fraction combos, from whole to halves to eighths
  • MAGNETIC MATHS FUN: Backed by strong, durable magnets, these fruit fractions are ready for years of classroom demonstrations, at-home learning, children’s maths games, and more
  • AGES AND STAGES: Specially designed with little ones in mind, the Magnetic Fruit Fractions helps kids as young as 6 build critical thinking and early years maths skills
  • INCLUDES: 24 Magnetic Fruit Fractions pieces to make whole, half, thirds, quarters, sixths, and eighths
  • NUMBER LEARNING FOR KIDS: Introduce fractions, equivalences, addition and subtraction, and other early maths skills with these fun fruit fraction puzzles


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