Little Hide and Seek - Words - DK

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型 號: DK-9780756692742
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HK$ 80 HK$ 72
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DK - Little Hide and Seek - Words

Following DK's large, hardcover format Hide and Seek books, comes the new Little Hide and Seek series: smaller (and more sparkly!) board books in the "I-spy" series. These sturdy books are perfect for preschoolers to hold, and an engaging character is hiding somewhere on every spread, ready to help toddlers along.

  • Help the toys to find their lost things, and point to lots of other first-word ojects
  • Search the picture-packed, pop-up page!
  • I-spy game develops language and observation skills
作者 Dawn Sirett
出版社 DK Publishing, Inc.
ISBN 9780756692742
種類 硬皮
頁數 12 pages
尺碼 190 x 190 mm

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