Magnetic Addition Machine - Learning Resources

Out Of Stock Magnetic Addition Machine - Learning Resources - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: LER-765023063684
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 320 HK$ 288
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Learning Resources - Magnetic Addition Machine

Attract students to the fun of learning addition with this magnetic whiteboard teaching tool. Just place the Addition Machine on any magnetic surface, then use the cups, funnels, and numbered tray to visually demonstrate addition. It's a simple and unique way to enhance your math lessons! Tray measures 11'L.

Educational Benefits

  • Learning Style:Visual, Tactile
  • Skill Development: Counting, Addition, Fine motor skills, Eye-hand coordination


  • 2 Cups, Funnel, 20 Balls (10 green, 10 blue), Number line, Equals sign, Numbered tray

• Tray measures 11'L


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