Look What I Made! - Make Believe Ideas

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型 號: MBI-9781786929358
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 128 HK$ 75
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Make Believe Ideas - Look What I Made!

Introducing Look what I made!, a creative outlet for little ones just starting to doodle! This innovative book uses large, simple shapes and activities to encourage children’s creativity. The vibrant pages are packed with bold colouring spreads, sheets of stickers, tracing paper and chunky foam stencils that are perfect for little hands. Children are free to colour, scribble, doodle and draw whatever they like to complete each picture, giving them the freedom to be creative from a young age! DELIGHTFUL AND ENGAGING FIRST ART BOOK FOR YOUNG CHILDREN WITH COLOURING AND STICKERS INCLUDED.

  • This delightful book encourages young children to be creative.
  • Thick cards and chunky foam stencils are perfect for little hands.
  • Bold colours and large pages give children the space to doodle whatever they like.
  • The activities include simple dot-to-dots, tracing and doodling.
  • The drawing and colouring activities help develop hand-eye coordination.
出版社 Make Believe Ideas
ISBN 9781786929358
插圖者 Charly Lane
種類 with cut-throughs in the cover inc. 24 pp text, 6 pp stickers, 4 pp card, 4 pp embossed card, 4 pp foam, 4p p tracing paper, and 4 pp thin paper
頁數 50
尺碼 220 × 280 × 20 mm

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