You Must Never Touch a Huge Elephant! - Make Believe Ideas

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型 號: MBI-9781800581401
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HK$ 128 HK$ 69
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Make Believe Ideas - Themed Board Book with Silicone Touches: You Must Never Touch a Huge Elephant

Never touch a huge elephant . . . unless it’s in this book! This hilarious book includes first opposite words such as loud, quiet, tidy and messy, and features amazing silicone touches for little hands to explore on every spread. With fun, rhyming text and awesome animal illustrations, this book is sure to be a hit! FUNNY OPPOSITES BOOK WITH SILICONE TOUCHES

  • Opposites-themed touch and feel book
  • Bumpy silicone touches throughout
  • Fun, rhyming text and bright illustrations

年齡組別 0+
作者 Rosie Greening
出版社 Make Believe Ideas
ISBN 9781800581401
插圖者 Stuart Lynch
種類 硬卡書
頁數 12
尺碼 186 × 186 × 20 mm

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