Mimosa - 7-in-1 Trike - Mimosa

-15% Out Of Stock Mimosa - 7-in-1 Trike - Mimosa - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: MMS-9555818908846
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 1,699 HK$ 1,444
您節省了: 15% (-HK$ 255)
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Mimosa - 7-in-1 Trike

Get ready to watch your child grow and thrive with the Mimosa 7-in-1 Trike! This innovative trike is designed to adapt to your child's changing needs, with seven different usage positions and a secure 5-point harness.

Starting as a stroller trike, your little one will be able to safely and comfortably explore the world around them. As they grow and gain confidence, the Mimosa Trike will transform into their first stepping stones towards riding a bicycle.

Not only is the Mimosa 7-in-1 Trike versatile, but it's also incredibly lightweight and easy to fold, making it the perfect travel companion for you and your child. Whether you're heading to the park or embarking on a family vacation, the Mimosa Trike will make sure your child is always comfortable and happy.

  • 7 合 1 三輪車和嬰兒車, 分 6 個階段與您的寶寶一起成長
  • 由嬰兒手推三輪車到獨立的幼兒三輪車
  • 培養寶寶獨立騎三輪車所需的運動技能、信心和平衡力。
  • 適合大約 18 至 60 個月,最高載重 25 公斤
  • 可單手輕鬆折合
  • 一個按鍵, 妁9座椅方向倒轉
  • 5 點式安全帶和可調節安全圍欄


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