My 5 Senses - YoYo Books

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型 號: YOY-9789463042970
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HK$ 135 HK$ 121
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YoYo Books - My 5 Senses

Touch, feel, scratch and sniff, glow-in-the-dark page

An interactive book to help children make sense of their senses!
Toddlers will enjoy following the story of these little wild animals as they explore the world through their f ive senses. With the added touch 'n' feel, scratch 'n' sniff and glow-in-the-dark elements, children can use all their senses.


出版社 YoYo Books
ISBN 9789463042970
種類 厚皮書
頁數 16 pages
尺碼 210 x 265 mm
國家 比利時

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