My Awesome Dinosaur Book - Make Believe Ideas

-46% Out Of Stock My Awesome Dinosaur Book - Make Believe Ideas - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: MBI-9781789470741
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 145 HK$ 79
您節省了: 46% (-HK$ 66)
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Make Believe Ideas - My Awesome Dinosaur Book

Introducing a dinosaur-themed addition to the My Awesome range: 'My Awesome Dinosaur Book'.

Each spread features a different set of beautifully illustrated dinosaurs with informative labels, fun facts and simple questions.

Shaped pages layer up throughout the book to create an interesting feature on the right-hand side.

Little ones will love to explore this awesome Jurassic kingdom!

出版社 Make Believe Ideas
ISBN 9781789470741
插圖者 Dawn Machell
種類 硬皮書
頁數 30 pages
尺碼 223 x 269 x 20mm

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