National Geographic - Insect Superpowers - CubicFun

-8% Out Of Stock National Geographic - Insect Superpowers - CubicFun - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: GEO-6944588209827
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 129 HK$ 119
您節省了: 8% (-HK$ 10)
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CubicFun - National Geographic Model Kit - Insect Superpowers

CubicFun 3D Puzzle is an educational and eco-friendly toy will help improve puzzle lovers concentration and creativity. Our product is high-quality in material and standards.The player will enjoy exploring their curiosity and imagination while training their logical thinking, motor and problem solving skills. We provide easy to follow step-by-step instruction. Our 3D Puzzles are not only limited to puzzle lovers but also they are great for childrens,families of all ages. The pre-cut paper and foam board puzzle pieces is precision made to fit perfectly together and glue and tools are not required! Creat your own realistic 3D replica of a famous piece of 3D model with this architecture puzzle!


  • While assembling, you will get lots architecture historical knowledge.
  • 55 pieces including information booklet.
  • It was made from EPS foam board, eco-friendly protection as well.
  • Safe & Green: No tools and glue needed,easy to assemble.
  • Encourages your hands-on ability, and logical thinking.

年齡組別 五歲或以上

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