Never Touch a Piranha! - Make Believe Ideas

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型 號: MBI-9781800582613
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 128 HK$ 69
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Make Believe Ideas - Themed Board Book with Silicone Touches: Never Touch a Piranha!

You must never touch a piranha . . . unless it's in this book! This hilarious, underwater-themed touch-and-feel book features jellyfish, electric eels and more! Each page has incredible silicone touches, perfect for little ones to explore. The next in our bestselling Never Touch range, this witty board book will entertain the whole family. UNDERWATER THEMED BOARD BOOK WITH SILICONE TOUCHES

  • Underwater themed rhyme
  • Silicone touch and feel
  • Sturdy board pages

年齡組別 0+
作者 Rosie Greening
出版社 Make Believe Ideas
ISBN 9781800582613
插圖者 Stuart Lynch
種類 硬卡書
頁數 12
尺碼 186 × 186 × 20 mm

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